(To the Pupil)
When will you rea-lies
that all these “truths” they’re telling you
don’t add up
because the math can’t be found
in the Source — they’re not sound!
(To the Professor)
The people you’re duping
are living in a stupor
and need to be shook awake
or their souls, they might bake
or for God to come find
you every time you’re in a bind.
What do you say to the ones
who continue in pain;
who do their best, over circumstances
trying to reign?
Attempting to wield forces
out of their control,
clutching to things
on which they don’t have a hold
because they’re part of
something bigger than them;
you can’t keep this Wild One
boxed up in your pen…
Life is not a formula;
never has been, never will be.
Yes, I just used “never” twice,
but that’s because these people
are being led around like three blind mice —
they don’t run at all,
they just stumble and fall
like a blind man in the dark
after you’ve rearranged his furniture
that he had so carefully memorized,
like a scripture that was misquoted
to him a hundred times…
(To the People)
Yeah, Scripture’s a bedrock,
and you can stand on it, firm,
but there are some lessons in life
that you will still have to learn.
They don’t teach these
in any school
except the School of Hard Knocks –
it’s just the right “jewel.”
A “diamond in the rough,”
the only one with the guts
to give you “the right stuff”
and not erode your trust
in the One who can give
without ever taking,
who loves from the heart
without ever faking.
So poke, prod, and prove
every spirit
and look at the fruit –
not just of the professors,
but from his pupils, too.
Find who you want to be like,
and follow that man,
but only as he follows Christ…
That is the plan.